WindTerm - Network Proxy / Jump Server
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WindTerm supports Jump Server proxy.
Sometimes a remote server can only be accessed via ssh by first login into an intermediary server. So you need first login into to the intermediary server and then ssh to another server. And the chain can be long and is not limited to just two servers. OpenSSH supports jump server using ProxyCommand or ProxyJump with -W and -J options.
WindTerm simplifies the connection. You only need to set the proxy type of the session to Jump Server, then you can specify the intermediate server in the configured sessions. Up to four intermediate servers can be specified at the same time.
If you need to specify more than four intermediate servers, you can chain multiple intermediate servers. In this way, an unlimited number of intermediate servers can be supported.
For example, when you need to specify six intermediate servers:Host -> Jump Server 6 -> Jump Server 5 -> Jump Server 4 -> Jump Server 3 -> Jump Server 2 -> Jump Server 1 -> Remote
you can configure as follows:Jump Server 3 -> Jump Server 2 -> Jump Server 1
Jump Server 6 -> Jump Server 5 -> Jump Server 4
Host -> Jump Server 6 -> Jump Server 3