Quick Start

In local mode, one can copy with y{motion}, where {motion} is a navigation motion or searching motion. For example, yw copies to the beginning of the next word. Other helpful copy commands include:

  • yy
    Copy the current line, including the newline character
  • y$
    Copy to the end of the current line without the newline character
  • yw
    Copy to the beginning of the next word
  • ytx
    Copy from the current cursor position up to and before the character x
  • yfx
    Copy from the current cursor position up to and including the character x
Shortcut Action
yy Copy the current selection or line
p Paste and switch back to remote mode
P Paste and stay in local mode
xy{motion} Copy into the register x
xp Paste contents of the register x and switch to remote mode
xP Paste contents of the register x and stay in local mode
“+y{motion} Copy into the system clipboard register
“+p Paste from the system clipboard register and switch to remote mode
“+P Paste from the system clipboard register and stay in local mode

Copy And Paste Keys


Quick Start

Command palette supports filtering and opening sessions. The blue icon means to switch to the opened session.

Alt+S, tm, Space

Opne Session


Quick Start

Command palette supports filtering and jumping to line. Use +, - to jump to the relative line.

Alt+S, :

Goto Line

