Quick Start

WindTerm supports selecting different parts of the text by clicking on the separator boundary which is very convenient for selecting a path or URL.

Text Selection


Quick Start

WindTerm supports restoring recently closed tabs.

Shortcut Action
Ctrl+Shift+W Close tab
Ctrl+Shift+T Restore tab

Restore Tabs


Quick Start

Every command and its output can be folded. Fold supports the below actions:

  • Fold/Unfold current command (Mouse LButton Click)
  • Fold/Unfold current command recursively (Alt + Mouse LButton Click)
  • Fold/Unfold all commands (Ctrl + Mouse LButton Click)
  • Fold/Unfold all commands of the same type (Shift + Mouse LButton Click)
  • Select Fold Range Text (Mouse LButton Double Click)



Quick Start

Outline is usually used to collect every command typed and make these commands easier to browser and filter.



Quick Start

Four highlight types are supported now. The highligh config syntax is compatible with vscode and fully extensible.

  • linux: Linux system highlight.
  • cmd: Windows cmd highlight.
  • powershell: Windows powershell highlight.
  • none: No highlight.


