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Highlight Text trigger supports using specified font color, background color, line type, and line color to draw the matched target string when it is matched. Highlight Text trigger makes it very convenient to highlight the output text that needs attention.

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Quick Start

Play Sound trigger supports playing a specified sound when the target string is matched. Dozens of carefully selected sounds suitable for various scenarios can help to monitor and capture any important output in a timely manner.

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Run Command trigger supports running a specified command line when the target string is matched. The command line can run any application or script and pass the captured string as a parameter, which can almost meet any interactive needs, such as creating files using the captured string, searching for information, etc. Each command line can be specified in three different formats for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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Quick Start

Send Text trigger supports sending specified text to the server when the target string is matched. When it is necessary to respond quickly with output text, Send Text trigger is one of the most convenient ways. Send Text supports three trigger conditions:

  • Send after text match
  • Send after text match and next line break
  • Send after text match and next command prompt

The following escape characters can be used in the send text:

Char Description
\0 null (NUL, 0x00)
\a bell (BEL, 0x07)
\b backspace (BS, 0x08)
\t horizontal tab (HT, 0x09)
\n line feed (LF, 0x0A)
\v vertical tab (VT, 0x0B)
\f form feed (FF, 0x0C)
\r carriage return (CR, 0x0D)
\ backslash (0x5C)
\nnn octal char
\xHH hexadecimal char
\uHHHH wide hexadecimal char
\cx control char, like Ctrl+C
\c-x control char, like Ctrl+C
\mx meta char (x | 0x80), like Meta+X
\m-x meta char (x | 0x80), like Meta+X

For example, either \003 or \x03 or \u0003 or \cc or \c-c can be used to send the key Ctrl+C(same as the ASCII character EXT, 0x03).

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Show Tooltip trigger supports marking the target string when it is matched and displaying specified text content when the mouse hovers over the string. This helps to display more information about the target string.

The following built-in triggers are based on Show Tooltip

Note: Show Tooltip trigger is able to display rich text, specified using a subset of HTML 4 markup.

Supported HTML Subset

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