Quick Start

Ip Address is one of the built-in triggers in WindTerm. It can recognize IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and supports executing local or remote ping and tracert/traceroute commands on the IP through a menu.

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Quick Start

Hexadecimal Converter is one of the built-in triggers in WindTerm, which supports the automatic display of corresponding decimal and octal numbers in a tooltip when the mouse hovers over a hexadecimal number, avoiding the inconvenience of manual conversion.

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Quick Start

Timestamp Converter is one of the built-in triggers in WindTerm. It supports converting an 11 or 13-digit timestamp to ISO formatted time and displaying it in a tooltip, which brings great convenience for tasks such as reading logs.

Intro Video


Quick Start

Unarchiver is one of the built-in triggers in WindTerm, which can recognize and tag commonly used formats of compressed files, allowing you to quickly input the corresponding decompression command by clicking on the link.

The supported compression formats and their decompression commands are listed below:

Format Decompression Command
.tar.bz2 tar -xvjf
.tar.gz tar -xvzf
.tar.xz tar -xvJf
.bz2 bzip2 -d
.ex uncompress
.exe cabextract
.gz gzip -d
.lzma lzma -d
.rar unrar x
.tar tar -xvf
.tbz2 tar -xvjf
.tgz tar -xvzf
.xz xz -d
.zip unzip
.Z uncompress
.7z 7z

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Quick Start

Sync Terminal Folder supports syncing the current working directory between filer and terminal. When you change directories in the terminal, filer should follow automatically and optionally, vice versa, the working directory of the filer can be quickly copied to the terminal.

Sync Terminal Folder supports:

  • Copy directory path from filer to terminal.
  • Manually sync terminal folder.
  • Automatically sync terminal folder.

Note that not all local or remote systems support Sync Terminal Folder.

Sync Terminal Folder

