Quick Start

Shortcut Action
F2 Rename
F3 Download
F4 Upload
F5 Refresh
F6 Move to
Del Remove
Return Open
Backspace Cdup
Alt+D Select the address bar
Alt+Left Go backward
Alt+Right Go forward
Alt+Return Show property
Ctrl+A Select all items
Ctrl+Shift+N Create a folder
Ctrl+N Create a file
Ctrl+L Create a link
Ctrl+C Copy names
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy paths
Ctrl+P Copy names to terminal
Ctrl+Shift+P Copy paths to terminal

Quick Start

There are two modes in WindTerm:

  • Remote Mode
    The remote mode is the default mode of WindTerm. In remote mode, every key pressed will send to the server just like others terminals.

  • Local Mode
    The local mode is mainly used for browsing the text. In local mode, every key pressed will be parsed locally instead of sending to the server.

    The local mode supports most navigation, scrolling, searching, copy and paste, selection and folding shortcuts of Vim.

    When WindTerm in local mode, it just acts like a readonly text editor, which is very convenient for text browsing. In particular, when the output is scrolling quickly and continuously, switching to the local mode can stop scrolling immediately for easy reading of the output.

Shortcut Action
Alt+Enter Toggle the remote and local mode
i Switch back to remote mode from local mode
p Paste and switch back to remote mode from local mode
Ctrl+v Paste and switch back to remote mode from local mode

Remote Mode And Local Mode


Quick Start

Local mode supports the following navigation keys of Vim.

Shortcut Action
h Move left
j Move down
k Move up
l Move right
0 Move to the begining of the line
$ Move to the end of the line
^ Move to the first non-blank character of the line
w Move to next word
W Move to next blank delimited word
b Move to the beginning of the word
B Move to the beginning of the blank delimted word
e Move to the end of the word
E Move to the end of the blank delimited word
1G Move to the first line of the session
nG Move to nth line of the session
G Move to the last line of the session
gg move to the beginning of the session
ge Move to the end of the previous word
gE Move to the end of the previous Blank delimited word
- Move to the previous non-blank sentence
+ Move to the next non-blank sentence
( Move to the previous sentence
) Move to the next sentence
{ Move to the previous paragraph
} Move to the next paragraph

Navigation Keys


Quick Start

Local mode supports the following scrolling keys of Vim.

Shortcut Action
H Move to the top line of screen
M Move to the center line of screen
L Move to the bottom line of screen
zt Move the cursor line to the top of screen
zz Move the cursor line to the center of screen
zb Move the cursor line to the bottom of screen
Ctrl+e Scroll down one line
Ctrl+y Scroll up one line
Ctrl+d Scroll down half a screen
Ctrl+u Scroll up half a screen
Ctrl+b Scroll up a screen

Scrolling Keys

