Quick Start

Sender pane supports sending text char by char at specified intervals. The minimum interval is 20ms.

The following escape characters can be used in the sent text:

Char Description
\0 null (NUL, 0x00)
\a bell (BEL, 0x07)
\b backspace (BS, 0x08)
\t horizontal tab (HT, 0x09)
\n line feed (LF, 0x0A)
\v vertical tab (VT, 0x0B)
\f form feed (FF, 0x0C)
\r carriage return (CR, 0x0D)
\ backslash (0x5C)
\nnn octal char
\xHH hexadecimal char
\uHHHH wide hexadecimal char
\cx control char, like Ctrl+C
\c-x control char, like Ctrl+C
\mx meta char (x | 0x80), like Meta+X
\m-x meta char (x | 0x80), like Meta+X

For example, either \003 or \x03 or \u0003 or \cc or \c-c can be used to send the key Ctrl+C(same as the ASCII character EXT, 0x03).

Send Chars


Quick Start

Sender pane supports sending hex data by blocks or chars at specified intervals. The minimum interval is 0.1s(by blocks) or 20ms(by chars).

Send Hex Data


Quick Start

Sender pane supports selecting the target sessions to be sent, including all sessions, the current session and the selected sessions.

Select Targets

