Quick Start

WindTerm can be configured to start logging automatically upon connecting to the remote site.

You can start, stop, pause, resume and browse logging at any time also, please read Manual Logging.

The following flags can be used in the log file name and each line when logging a session.

Flag Output Example
%a Abbreviated weekday name “Thu”
%A Full weekday name “Thursday”
%b Abbreviated month name “Aug”
%B Full month name “August”
%C Year in 2 digits “20”
%d Day of month 01-31 “29”
%e Millisecond part of the current second 000-999 “678”
%H Hours in 24 format 00-23 “23”
%I Hours in 12 format 01-12 “11”
%M Minutes 00-59 “59”
%m Month 01-12 “11”
%n Session name “”
%p AM/PM “PM”
%S Seconds 00-59 “58”
%v The actual text to log “some session text”
%Y Year in 4 digits “2020”
%% The % sign “%”

Auto Logging


Quick Start

WindTerm supports changing the theme through the menu or command pallete (alt+;). Three themes are supported now. The theme config syntax is compatible with vscode and fully extensible. A document will describe how to design your own theme later.

  • Dige Black
  • Dige Black And White
  • Dige White



Quick Start

Supports to set the tab color through the shortcut menu of the session tab. Color includes preset colors and custom colors. The tab color will be restored at the next startup.


Set Tab Color


Quick Start

Quickbar is a customizable row of buttons you can use for quick access to saved commands. Each command can be configured with label, text to be sent, icon and so on. You can also configure whether to display multiple groups at the same time, display group labels, and display command sets in order.

The following escape characters can be used in the sent text:

Char Description
\0 null (NUL, 0x00)
\a bell (BEL, 0x07)
\b backspace (BS, 0x08)
\t horizontal tab (HT, 0x09)
\n line feed (LF, 0x0A)
\v vertical tab (VT, 0x0B)
\f form feed (FF, 0x0C)
\r carriage return (CR, 0x0D)
\ backslash (0x5C)
\nnn octal char
\xHH hexadecimal char
\uHHHH wide hexadecimal char
\cx control char, like Ctrl+C
\c-x control char, like Ctrl+C
\mx meta char (x | 0x80), like Meta+X
\m-x meta char (x | 0x80), like Meta+X

For example, either \003 or \x03 or \u0003 or \cc or \c-c can be used to send the key Ctrl+C(same as the ASCII character EXT, 0x03).


QuickBar Commands
QuickBar Groups

Quick Start

WindTerm supports SSH agent. On the windows platform, currently only pageant is supported.

SSH Agent

