Quick Start

WindTerm supports SSH agent forwarding. On the windows platform, currently only pageant is supported.

SSH Agent Forwarding


Quick Start

Paste dialog supports editing multiple lines of text and converting tabs and end-of-line symbols before pasting it. The pasted text is also allowed to be sent line by line by the sender.

Paste Dialog


Quick Start

WindTerm supports customizing the key values sent by the backspace key and delete key.

Option Value
Auto Determined by the server
Backspace Ctrl+H (Ascii 0x08)
Delete Ctrl+? (Ascii 0x7F)

Backspace And Delete Key


Quick Start

When the mouse hovers over the session tab, the preview thumbnail will be displayed for convenient identifying the session.



Quick Start

Debug mode is a troubleshooting tool that allows WindTerm to create additional and more detailed logs of the session’s activity.

You may enable debug mode and send the logs if you have particular issues of the terminal output or slow keyboard response and so on.

Leaving debug mode on is not recommended once your issue has been resolved because it will slow down the WindTerm’s normal operation.

Debug Mode

